
CG guidance and principles for unlisted companies in Europe

24. 03. 2010

ecodaupravni odbor

Unlisted companies account for more than 75% of European GDP. They are key providers of current and future employment as well as the source of a large proportion of European economic growth. It is hoped that this pioneering and practical initiative will have a significant impact on economic development in Europe. In the context of the economic crisis, unlisted companies have to look for new drivers of change. EcoDa is convinced that Corporate Governance can act as an efficient tool in promoting the growth and sustainability of European companies. The financial crisis has highlighted the importance of applying good practices. However governance  is not only relevant for financial institutions and listed companies; Corporate Governance is essential in underpinning entrepreneurship in all kinds of enterprise. In this document, fourteen principles of good governance are presented on the basis of a dynamic phased approach, which takes into account the degree of openness, size, complexity and level of maturity of individual enterprises. Unlisted companies – such as founder and family-owned businesses - can extract from this stepwise approach useful guidelines to promote their sustainability, to bring external parties to their boards, to attract funds, and to solve issues between shareholders.


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  • vse strokovne vire, ki so potrebni za vaše delo,
  • gradiva in posnetke izobraževanj,
  • hitro strokovno pomoč in dostop do zbirke pravnih nasvetov,
  • obveščanje o domačih in mednarodnih novostih, strokovnih stališčih ZNS, odprtih javnih pozivih za članstvo v nadzornih svetih ali komisijah,
  • udeležba na brezplačnih članskih dogodkih in znižana kotizacije za izobraževanja.

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