Vabimo vas k udeležbi webinarja »Moving to digital board meetings. What does it mean and what is it for?«, ki bo potekal 17. januarja v organizaciji ecoDa - evropske konfederacije nam podobnih združenj v Bruslju. >>> VEČ
Webinar je za člane ZNS brezplačen, več o dogodku pa si lahko preberete v nadaljevanju. Webinar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.
ecoDa / Euronext / ICSA Webinar: Moving to digital board meetings. What does it mean and what is it for?
The board of directors has a vital role to play in the era of digital transformation. Even if board members don’t have to be digital native, they need to understand how the digital transformation effects the company. Basic hands-on digital experience help directors understand the force of digitalization when guiding companies coping with disruption. The culture change and digital tone has to come from the top while boards also have to find new ways of working to improve efficiency and professionalism.
Business intelligence and security are becoming new paradigms for board members. If you are a board member or a company secretary, feel free to join this webinar organized by ecoDa, Euronext and ICSA.
The following questions will be addressed:
- What are the strategic objectives the board should achieve when moving to digital?
- How serious is the security threat and how do boards secure their strategic information flows?
- Are digital board portal tools all about efficiency or are there other advantages?
- What are the advice for a successful transition of the board to a board portal?
- How does my board evolve from data processing/information sharing to value creation through business intelligence?
Speakers will include:
- Sheenagh Gordon-Hart, Independent director, Partner at The Directors’ Office;
- Peter Swabey FCIS, Policy & Research Director, ICSA: The Governance Institute;
- Benoît van den Hove, Euronext, Head of Listing Brussels.
The session will be moderated by Florian Le Merrer, Director at Euronext Corporate Services.
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