ecoDa and Mazars are delighted to invite you to join a virtual event on sustainability and corporate governance in Europe to discuss the role we all have to play in fostering an ecosystem that promotes long-term sustainable success for the benefit of relevant stakeholders.
Panel 1: Regulator’s perspective (45’ minutes)
Corporate governance in the 2020s
- Principles of effective corporate governance
- Balancing entrepreneurship and accountability
- Responding to key challenges faced by business
- Directors’ responsibilities for reporting controls
- Creating well respected regulatory systems- Key regulatory challenges
- The future of national governance and regulatory systems
Panel 2: Board perspective (45’ minutes)
How different will boards look by 2030
- Characteristics of boards leading their businesses to sustainable success
- A strong focus on purpose, vision and culture
- What focus and expertise will boards need to meet their responsibilities
- How can board incentives / remuneration better reflect the long term objectives of a company
- Board responsibilities around reporting controls
- Stakeholder engagement going forward
Panel 3: Investor perspective (45’ minutes)
Changes in investors’ focus expected over the next decade
- How can investors effectively contribute to the long term success of investee companies?
- What should be the focus of engagement with boards in the 2020s?
- Challenges and opportunities of active and passive investors and proxy advisors
- Balancing the long term success of investee companies with the needs of end beneficiaries
- Are there equivalent Shareholder Rights across the EU?
- What changes in corporate governance would investors most like to see?
Participation to each panel will be limited.
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