Serija mednarodnih webinarjev, ki bodo potekali v mesecu juniju.
Pripravili smo jih v sodelovanju z ecoDa in so za člane ZNS brezplačni. Vsebine webinarjev se nanašajo na vpliv Covid-19 krize na delo nadzornih svetov in upravnih odborov ter njihovo odgovornost v času disrupcije. Izvajalci so mednarodni priznani strokovnjaki in izkušeni nadzorniki.Tudi na tak način v združenju prispevamo, da članice in člani skrbite za svoj profesionalni razvoj na področju delovanja nadzornih svetov in korporativnega upravljanja. Vabljeni k prijavi!
How ethics can remain a driving force while priorities have shifted?
Certain observers believe that the Covid crisis could help to put values above valuations. Value creation could be driven by the objective of increasing human well-being while preserving the environment rather than on growth indicators. Is this an utopia? Will the current crisis close the gap between what markets value and what people value? Is it at all likely that we can get values back into the equation, when many companies are struggling for survival and settling for short term solutions? And if so, how can we go forward to accomplish this? Will customer mentality after their corona pandemic experience show any direction or support?
In addition, isn’t there a growing risk of fraud ? Companies could be tempted to falsify their accounts to benefit from state subsidies. Isn’t there a risk of subsidizing companies which are destined to disappear?
Confirmed speakers: Anthony Smith-Meyer, Independent Director, Compliance and Governance Activist and Educator, Dr Ian Peters, Director, Institute of Business Ethics (IBE), Roger Barker, Head of Corporate Governance, IoD, Bethan Grillo, Director, PwC Purpose Team, Moderator : Gro Braekken, ecoDa Board Member
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