
ecoda: New reporting requirements on ESG information

online | 6. junij 2024 | 11.00 - 12.30

With the introduction of the CSRD, legislators explicitly aim at gradually bringing the ESG reporting of European companies to the level of quality of their financial reporting. A key lever to achieve this objective is the mandatory assurance on sustainability statements, alongside the introduction of reporting standards (ESRS).This mandatory assurance requirement takes into account the expected growing maturity of ESG reporting and shows a gradual ambition in terms of depth of the audit, from an initial “limited assurance” to a “reasonable assurance” framework.

In this webinar, Anne Helene Monsellato, Emmanuel Thierry, and Daniela Mattheus will discuss how companies are selecting their CSRD auditors, including what criteria or processes they might consider, as well as observations from the first wave of CSRD auditors appointments in terms of challenges, market considerations, competencies and costs.


WEBINAR poteka v organizaciji ecoDa, katere član je tudi Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije. Webinar poteka v angleškem jeziku in je za člane ZNS brezplačen.



Aktualni dogodki

Postanite član ZNS in si zagotovite številne prednosti:

  • vse strokovne vire, ki so potrebni za vaše delo,
  • gradiva in posnetke izobraževanj,
  • hitro strokovno pomoč in dostop do zbirke pravnih nasvetov,
  • obveščanje o domačih in mednarodnih novostih, strokovnih stališčih ZNS, odprtih javnih pozivih za članstvo v nadzornih svetih ali komisijah,
  • udeležba na brezplačnih članskih dogodkih in znižana kotizacije za izobraževanja.

Člane spodbujamo k strokovnemu razvoju in spoštovanju profesionalne etike.

Več o članstvu

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Slika 1
Slika 1

Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije v številkah 2023




korporativnih članov


imetnikov Certifikata ZNS


imetnikov Potrdila za nadzornike

48 izobraževanj


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