
ecoDa: Corporate Reporting and Corporate Governance

online | 13. november 2024 | 16.00 - 17.30

How do Corporate Governance frameworks influence the quality of corporate reporting in Europe? Are there some systems that are more efficient than others?

ecoDa & Forvis Mazars - Webinar on Corporate Reporting and Corporate Governance

Corporate reporting is pivotal to financial stability and investor protection. From 2024 on, in addition to financial statements, corporate reporting includes sustainability information, as companies are required to disclose – and get an assurance on – ESG information. Corporate governance plays a decisive role in ensuring the robustness and reliability of corporate reporting, along with statutory audit and supervision. But in the EU, there are almost as many corporate governance frameworks as member states, given that corporate governance codes reflect the diversity of cultural and economic backgrounds and practices.

Is the diversity of corporate governance frameworks across the Member States an obstacle to improve corporate reporting quality and reduce its costs at EU level?

In the context of the expanding scope of corporate reporting on the one hand and of the new Commission's call for reducing reporting burdens and costs for companies on the other, what are the levers to ensure the quality and consistency of corporate reporting across the EU? How do Corporate Governance frameworks influence the quality of corporate reporting in Europe? Are there some systems that are more efficient than others?
Are there emerging best practices that enhance internal control and internal audit for more qualitative corporate reporting?

WEBINAR poteka v organizaciji ecoDa, katere član je tudi Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije. Webinar poteka v angleškem jeziku in je za člane ZNS brezplačen.



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  • vse strokovne vire, ki so potrebni za vaše delo,
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