
ecoDa - Aligning with OECD Standards: Enhancing Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises

online | 5. marec 2025 | 9.30 - 11.00

Organized by ecoDa and the OECD, this insightful webinar on the application of the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises is designed to raise awareness of internationally leading best practices in the corporate governance of state-owned enterprises. Sara Sultan, Head of State-Owned Enterprise Unit at the OECD, will present the key aspects of the recently revised Guidelines, offering valuable perspectives on their implementation.

A distinguished panel of board members, including Irena Prijović, Klaus-Michael Ahrend and Filip Gorczyca will provide actionable takeaways to help advanced boards integrate the Guidelines into their governance. Moderated by Rytis Ambrazevicius, President of the Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance (BICG) and ecoDa Chair, the panel discussion will also investigate evolving opportunities and challenges in their application.

Taking place on March 5th 2025, from 9:30 to 11 am CET, this webinar is a unique opportunity to explore how boards can take advantage of the OECD Guidelines not only for compliance but also to enhance strategic advantage and operational excellence.

Join for this insightful webinar designed to help European board members navigate the evolving landscape of SOE governance.

WEBINAR poteka v organizaciji ecoDa, katere član je tudi Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije. Webinar poteka v angleškem jeziku in je za člane ZNS brezplačen.



Aktualni dogodki

Postanite član ZNS in si zagotovite številne prednosti:

  • vse strokovne vire, ki so potrebni za vaše delo,
  • gradiva in posnetke izobraževanj,
  • hitro strokovno pomoč in dostop do zbirke pravnih nasvetov,
  • obveščanje o domačih in mednarodnih novostih, strokovnih stališčih ZNS, odprtih javnih pozivih za članstvo v nadzornih svetih ali komisijah,
  • udeležba na brezplačnih članskih dogodkih in znižana kotizacije za izobraževanja.

Člane spodbujamo k strokovnemu razvoju in spoštovanju profesionalne etike.

Več o članstvu

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Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije v številkah 2023




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