Board Secretaries

The role of a supervisory board secretary is to act as organisational and professional support for a supervisory board, their committees, chairperson of the supervisory board and chairpersons of supervisory board committees.

The most important expert basis for the selection and work of secretaries is the Guidelines for the Selection and Work of the Secretaries of Supervisory Boards and Boards of Directors. Since the function of a supervisory board secretary is not laid down in Slovenian legislation and its role is only briefly mentioned in Principle 11 of the Management Code for Publicly Traded Companies, these guidelines represent good practice recommendations and practical guidance on how to conduct the best possible selection and perform the work of a supervisory board secretary.

Best practice recommendations

Guidelines for Selection and Recommendations for the Work of Supervisory Board Chairmen

The Guidelines are intended for all supervisory board membe ...

Poglej dokument
04. 12. 2014 - Guidelines and codes chairmen

Communication Guidelines for Supervisory Board Members at Companies They Supervise

Communication Guidelines for Supervisory Board Members repr ...

Poglej dokument
01. 12. 2013 - Guidelines and codes communication

Recommendations for reporting to Supervisory Board

These Recommendations for Reporting represent an instrument ...

Poglej dokument
01. 12. 2014 - Guidelines and codes reporting

Recommended reading

Section of supervisory board secretaries - meetings of SDA members 

Meetings with an expert discussion to one of the current or interesting topics for supervisory board secretaries in a slightly less formal manner and in the spirit of the exchange of practical experiences.



Register of holders of the Secretary Certificate.

By attending the Training programme for supervisory and management board secretaries, which is carried out in content lots as laid down in the Guidelines for the Selection and Work of the Secretaries of Supervisory Boards and Boards of Directors, participants receive a Training certificate for supervisory and management board secretaries (“Secretary Certificate”).