Pursuant to the law, a supervisory board comprises at least 3 members and its diversity is laid down by a company’s Articles of Association. Its composition should be diverse. When composing a supervisory board, it is required to take into account the expertise, experiences and skills that complement members of the supervisory board.
The number of employee representatives in a supervisory board is laid down in the company’s Articles of Association, but cannot be less than one third of the members and no more than one half of all supervisory board members at the company. A board in one-tier system has at least one member who is an employee representative. The number of employee representatives in a board is laid down in a company’s Articles of Association, but cannot be less than one employee representative from three board members.
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Slovenian Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies
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Poglej dokumentThe role of SDA in Supervisory Board recruitment
- it does not intervene in the accreditation and selection of candidates;
- it promotes professional ethics, criteria for membership in SB, and best practices in the selection of candidates;
- it provides regular information to its members regarding current calls by companies or a state administrator to submit candidacies for membership in SB;
- it provides training for potential candidates for membership in a supervisory board and committees, and Directors Certification: SDA Certificate and Training certificate for Supervisory Board Members and Board of Directors;
- it enables all those seeking suitable candidates for SB members access to a register of individuals who have obtained "A training certificate for Supervisory Board Members and Board of Directors" and the "SDA Certificate".
*SDA obtains information about currently open calls/tenders from publicly made calls or through a direct notice by companies. All interested companies are invited to inform us of any open calls at: info@zdruzenje-ns.si.
The Slovenian Sovereign Holding (SSH) invited the interested experts and individual to submit their applications to be entered in the database of potential candidates for membership in supervisory bodies at companies capital asset of the State.
The procedure to select candidates for supervisory board members comprises of an accreditation procedure, i.e. a selection of suitable candidate for SB members, and a nomination procedure to select a short list of candidate for members of the supervisory bodies of a individual company with respect to the specificity of their professional qualification, target profile of the supervisory board and the needs of a particular company. The SSH Nomination Committee is an advisory body of the Management Board of SSH that carries out the implementing procedures to obtain candidates for members of the supervisory boards of companies with capital assets of the State, procedures to evaluate such candidates and procedures for their accreditation
Government decision on mandatory training certificate qualifications for members of supervisory boards for members of supervisory boards who were appointed in such bodies by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, 2005
>>> only in the Slovene language: Sklep Vlade RS o obvezni pridobitvi Potrdila o usposobljenosti za člane nadzornih svetov in upravnih odborov družb, za vse člane NS in UO, ki jih je v te organe imenovala Vlada RS, 2005