Guidelines and codes

Guidelines for the Selection and Work of the Secretaries of Supervisory Boards

04. 09. 2014

board secretaries

Updated in 2024.

These Guidelines recommend best practices regarding the selection, role, and work of secretaries of supervisory boards and boards of directors . They are intended for chairmen and members of supervisory and management boards as well as secretaries of supervisory boards.

Considering that the function of supervisory board secretary is not defined in Slovenian legislation and that their role is only briefly mentioned in principle 11 of the Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies, these Guidelines represent best practice recommendations and practical instructions on how to best carry out the selection of supervisory board secretaries and for them to perform their work as best as possible. The Guidelines shall apply by analogy to all companies by taking into account the special features of an individual company's operations.

The work of the supervisory board secretary is of the utmost importance for the effective functioning of the supervisory board, effective chairing of the supervisory board, and onboarding of newly appointed members of the supervisory board and committees for their fastest possible inclusion in the work of said bodies.


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