
A practical guide for boards leadership teams on sustainability

26. 11. 2021

trajnostno poslovanje

To support businesses, ecoDa and Mazars have joined forces to create this practical guide to help board members and leadership teams navigate their sustainability journey and achieve sustainable success. From why leaders should commit to fostering sustainability, to how to move to determined action,this guide offers a wide range of insights on what aspects to consider and what questions to discuss. Using a practical approach, the guide addresses the importance of leadership and direction in sustainability efforts, and the increasing legal and regulatory responsibilities directors face in this area. It is intended for boards of listed and privately owned business, including those led by entrepreneurs or family business owners.


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Članstvo vam omogoča:

  • dostop do vseh strokovnih virov potrebnih za delo nadzornih svetov in upravnih odborov
  • hitro strokovno pomoč
  • izobraževanje
  • certificiranje znanj

Člane spodbujamo k strokovnemu razvoju in spoštovanju profesionalne etike.

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