Guidelines and codes

Recommendations for Audit Committees

31. 01. 2017

audit committee

These recommendations are intended for use by all companies that are public-interest entities  and, by analogy, by companies that have set up audit committees (hereafter also AC). The guidelines are also appropriate for other companies in which the functions of an AC are to be undertaken by the supervisory board , or members of the board of directors in companies with a one-tier system of governance. Even though guidelines do not contain detailed specific features of sectoral legislation (e.g. Banking Act ZBan-2), these will be pointed out in the relevant sections below.


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Postanite član ZNS

Članstvo vam omogoča:

  • dostop do vseh strokovnih virov potrebnih za delo nadzornih svetov in upravnih odborov
  • hitro strokovno pomoč
  • izobraževanje
  • certificiranje znanj

Člane spodbujamo k strokovnemu razvoju in spoštovanju profesionalne etike.

Več o članstvu

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